Floor and Wall Installation - Tile, Vinyl, Laminate, Engineered Wood, Backsplashes, Carpet, and more!
Greco Tile installation services use top tier crews to provide a professional and well priced job.
We offer the following installation services
- Backsplash Install
- Porcelain Tile Install
- Shower Tile Install
- Bathroom Renovations
- Laminate Flooring Install
- Click and Gluedown Vinyl Flooring Install
- Fireplace Tile or Stone Install
- Engineered Wood Install
- Carpet Install
- Carpet Tile Install
- Rubber Fitness Flooring Install
- Feature Wall Tiling
And more!
For a free estimate please feel free to contact us
Call: 519-652-2557
Text: 548-488-0040
Email: aboudi@grecotile.com